Zdjęcie Magdy opublikowano na portalu Clip & Art.

Tak wiele w tej prezentacji pięknych zdjęć…i tak się cieszę, że i moje zdjęcie z Magdą znalazło  się właśnie tam….

Madziu dziękuję….

„People just happen
in our life,
but not at random.
Often they fill us with teachings.
Sometimes they make us fly high,
others we crash to the ground
teaching us the pain …
giving us everything,
taking away everything,
leaving us nothing. ”
(A. Merini)

… but can not tell you why .. .. a new collection of CLIP & ART, shots of women, of character and sensuality shots. The expressiveness of a direct face or the posture of a body, extrinsic communications and sometimes elusive in these shots.
Between bw and colors we dive into a world of silent souls, combative and submissive, bold and confidential, malicious and provocative, universes in constant exploration.


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